Thursday, October 21, 2010


I've reached a plateau in my diet and exercise routine, and I could not be more frustrated!  I've been health conscious and exercising regularly for a year now.  I lost 10 pounds post break up, all of which I've gained back.  Good news is, I believe it's been gained back in muscle because my jeans still fit.  So, I guess my hard working is paying off...some.

Eating more healthy and exercising regularly has become a huge part of my life.  To not see results makes it so hard to continue.  I started being more conscious as a life change, not a lose weight/keep it off kind of thing.  I've always been very self conscious.  I want to feel healthy, fit, and comfortable in a bathing suit.  That is my goal.  I know I'm not fat.  I don't need to lose weight.  I know there will always be things I don't like about my body.  However, I'm working hard to hopefully become more acceptive of those things.

I'm always catching up on health and fitness news and articles.  I get a lot of tips from the lady at work who's son is a nutrition major.  There are so many rules and restrictions and guidelines to follow when figuring out the diet and exercise plan that works for you.  I'm fed up with it all!  Seriously.  I'm freaking 26 years old, I shouldn't be so overly frustrated with this, but I am.  I have a smoothie and toast usually every morning, a salad for lunch usually every day, and dinner - well, that just depends what I have time for.  I very rarely eat fast food.  If I do it's like In & Out, which I don't think is half as bad as Jack in the Box or something.  I have a very bad sweet tooth, so I do indulge but not overboard.  I work out and eat right, so I don't have to deprive myself of the things I like.

Yesterday I got the response, "Well maybe you're not eating enough calories."  First of all, I'm not a calorie counter.  I have no need to be.  I eat pretty well.  I eat when I'm hungry and eat till I'm full.  I'm not going to watch, measure, and keep track of every little thing I eat either.  I don't have the patience for it, especially since I'm not trying to lose weight.

Where is the happy medium?  Eat right and exercise, simply put, is what you're supposed to do.  But then you do it, and it gets more detailed.  There's so much more to it.  It's eating right within the recommended calorie intake.  It's mixing up your exercise routine with the right amount of toning and cardio.  But you should only do it every other day, or it's better to work out in the morning, or you should eat a handful of grapes before you exercise to boost your metabolism.  Are you freaking kidding me?

I'm losing my patience.  I don't know what to do anymore.  My life shouldn't evolve around diet and exercise.    But it's starting to, because it feels like none of it is working.  I'm becoming overly concerned with it.  My mom said "Well, maybe your just at where your supposed to be."  Easy for her to say.  She can do the 30 day shred 3 days a week for a month and already see her body changing.  I can do it 3 days a week for 3 months and not notice a slight difference.  My biggest frustration is not just not seeing results.  It's having a goal (that isn't even unattainable) and not reaching it, not even noticing any changes to lead me to think I'm well on my way to reaching it.

1 comment:

  1. Lacy!! You look good!! You look healthy and super fit. I know what you mean though about finding that happy medium. There's a lot more to it than just diet and exercise. For me it's hard to get strength training in because I don't like to do it... So I do it while I'm watching TV which makes it a little easier to get through. As for my diet... I've got issues. I LOVE sugar. But I try to keep it to a minimum and I avoid anything processed and any drinks with sugar. Man, it's hard to find that place. Just know that you are not alone! And again, you look amazing!!! You look like you definitely know what you're doing!
