Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jennifer Aniston

People need to give the poor girl a break.  Honestly, I feel kinda bad for her.  Just because she hasn't been in a serious relationship since things went sour with Brad Pitt, doesn't mean she's not over him.  It's everyone else that hasn't let it go.  I think she's done just fine on her own.  I think she's totally over him.  I think she just hasn't found the lucky guy who will replace him.
I can relate.  At least she's had rebounds, flings and interests to keep her preoccupied until Mr. Right comes along.  I've had no such luck.  I think there's a few things I can learn from Ms. Aniston.  Keep a positive attitude.  She hasn't given up on love, and neither will I.  She has a better public image than Angelina, because let's face it, she's not the home wrecker, which doesn't say much for Brad either.  So really, she's come out from that one on top.  She has public sentiment, because he broke her heart and their marriage.  I don't doubt that she's lonely.  I'm sure it's painful to have Brad and Angelina's relationship flung all over the tabloids and constantly rubbed in her face, but she keeps a strong image.  She's never bad mouthed either of them and has gracefully picked up the pieces and moved on.
Even though I haven't found my Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now, I, like Jenn, am just content to be me.  I know that it will happen when it will happen.  There's no need to rush or search for what will come when it's meant to be.