Friday, November 12, 2010


I've always loved to write. I recently decided to go back to Hancock next semester and finish my GE. If all goes well, I'm thinking about transferring to Cal Poly (maybe somewhere else) to go for a BA in Journalism. For years I've constantly debated about what I want to be "when I grow up." I've taken so many classes on a variety of subjects hoping something would spark interest. Nothing did, but I always, always, come back to writing. It's the one thing I absolutely love to do.

Writing is fantastic. I can go on and on about how much I love it, but if you're a blogger you obviously share the same passion in one form or another. With my newly settled decision to return to school, I've been thinking about the type of writing I'd like to do. Do I want to be a reporter? A novelist? A columnist? Journalist? Songwriter? The opportunities are in abundance. I want to narrow down my options, so I can focus on a specific goal. But since I'm still awhile away from focusing on my degree, I can at least weed out the ones I know for sure.

A reporter. I know I do not want to be a reporter. (And why is basically my whole reason for this post)! The story is always slanted. Both sides of the story are rarely told. If it was an opinionated story that is one thing, but a reporter reports facts from all sides. Too often in today's media one side is favored, and this annoys the crap out of me. It's a misrepresentation. It's untrustworthy. As a journalist, it is your job to interpret the truth to the people who have a right to know. Of course this job would be difficult, because you can only write it the way you interpret it. It's not unusual for the writer's opinion to overshadow the hard evidence. Still, a good reporter can and should always be unfavorable.

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