Apparently I'm one of those people who can't plan too far ahead. I get easily overwhelmed.
I've been thinking a lot about my future and school. I decided to go back to Hancock, get my AA, and transfer credits, transfer to Denver University and study Media, Film, and Journalism. Problem is DU is a private school, costing A LOT of money.
To be a writer, having a degree isn't a requirement. I didn't think going into a massive amount of debt to go into a field where you don't really even NEED a degree was worth it....(among other reasons). Ultimately I decided against transferring. I've decided to stay at Hancock and just get my AA.
Had I of decided to transfer I'd be looking at at least another year and a half at Hancock to finish transfer requirements, then another 2 years at a University. A lot can happen between now and at least 2 years from now.
I've never been one to really push for things, because you never know what can happen. I'm more of a go with the flow kind of person. Planning to finish at Hancock, then transfer and get a BA, was an overwhelming goal. I felt like I was setting myself up for disappointment. I know how I am. I can't set huge goals like that. I rarely follow through with them, because they are too extreme for what I feel I can handle.
The point is, I have to remember this about myself. I need to remember I can only set attainable goals for myself. I always think big, when in reality, I don't have the "go big" mentality. I need to take baby steps to reach the bigger picture. Once those small goals are accomplished, imagine how great that will feel? Setting small goals, means accomplishing more goals. Why set one big goal when you can reach many small ones?!
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