I am not a risk taker. I am really cautious, always playing it safe. I like to know, not guess or be unsure. There's a quote that I often think about. I'm not even sure who said it, but it goes "If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything." This applies to my life in so many different areas. School - I never decided on a route to take, because no route felt sure. Why couldn't I just choose a path and run with it? See it through, and see where it takes me. Moving out - I'm so afraid to live paycheck to paycheck again. I make enough money, so why don't I just do it? Finances will be tight, but it's doable. God has a way of providing in every way, shape, form, need, whatever. Why am I so afraid to risk, when I know He will catch me if I fall?
I always wait for things to be right, and I don't feel like I've done much of anything in my life. Other people may not see it as that way, but what matters is how I see it. I want great things for my life. Great success involves great risk. I haven't risked anything for success in anything. I know that trying and failing is better than never having tried at all. So why can't I just do it? Whatever it is.