This evening I attended a funeral service, and a very elderly man was sitting a couple rows ahead of me. To his left a woman much more youthful was standing next to the wall. He glanced over, stood up, and asked if she would like to have a seat. The lady smiled and said thank you but declined the offer. He nodded as if in appreciation to her acknowledgement that he was old and wouldn't have bean able to stand for that long. He turned and sat back down in his seat.
The scene just warmed my heart. He was the cutest little old man, and the gesture made him even more adorable. Not to say that chivalry is dead, but I don't often see such gestures amongst younger generations. It's still very much present amongst the men in my parent's generation. Maybe I'm just not around guys enough (or the ones I should be around) to notice such acts of kindness. Maybe they happen all the time, and I just haven't been paying attention.
Either way, there's nothing quite like the kind gestures of a true gentleman.
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